This is a space for limitless growth, understanding, solidarity, and compassion.

Welcome to Tony Chavira’s relational therapy practice. Learn more


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Maybe you’re struggling. Maybe you’re curious. Maybe you’re in pain. Maybe you’re in a difficult place. We can work through this together.

This is a journey of healing.

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All relationships go through difficult times. It’s safe if yours has become hard too, whether you’re going through a sharp rift or just a rough patch.

This is a journey of discovery.

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We want to feel happy and safe with our friends. Care and closeness to others matters deep into life. Let us build a radically healthier culture and kinship.

This is a journey of mutual support.


For Those Processing

Traumatic Childhoods & Life Events

Traumatic Oppression

Worker & Class Oppression

Colonization Stress & Trauma

Romantic Relationship Difficulties



Family Stresses

Third Culture Issues

Climate Anxiety & Fears

Self-Esteem Development

Shadow Work

Grief and Death

Physical Violence

Sexual Abuse

Societal Abuse

Emergence to Anarchy

Economic Abuse

Transitions and Integrations around LGBQ+ Orientation

Transgender, Intersex, and Non-Binary Gender Support

Ancestral/Intergenerational Trauma

Existential Fear

Emergence into the Self

Decolonization Stresses

Abolitionist Stress and Trauma

Protest/Revolutionary Trauma

Transitions to a Radical Culture

Sensitivities Related to IQs Measured Above 130 (WAIS-IV)

about tony

I am a licensed marriage and family therapist, sociologist, activist, comrade, and brother in our global recovery. I will support your freedom, safety, and boundless growth in the world. I do this by bringing integrity, depth, and radical compassion into my practice.

My Instagram of Meditations on Ecology, Revolution, and Radical Recovery.

Click on any to be taken to the meditation @MinefieldWonderland